너와의 약속은 최고야


Hui and J-US's friendship

chngyun 2020. 12. 4. 13:01

piak vol.13 | On Hui and J-US's friendship


Hui: I don't have any friends in the industry. J-US is really kind and ever since I met him I thought that I want to befriend him. That's very rare (for me). I'm very shy around strangers so it takes time before I get close to anyone. J-US was very easy to get a long with. I don't go out with my friends a lot, but Seungjun and I went out right away. We talk on the phone when we have time and invite him out. We also went on a drive together. 


Trans by: chii☆ @eoryeowo

May contain inaccuracies.


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